Mustaches for Kids Ottawa

12 Years of Growing Mustaches and Raising Money for Make-a-Wish

Clean Shave Day is Friday October 30

October 26th, 2009 by admin

091025-m4k09-8x11-72dpiHello stachies,

There are only 5 short days until clean shave day and my follicles are tingling.

A few tips to make the most of your clean shave week:

  • Update your facebook status to say “I am growing a mustache for Mustaches for Kids. Clean Shave day is Octover 30.” and share the link with your buds
  • Download and print the poster for your office/apt building/cave/etc. Big ups to Ben Watts for this year’s poster design.
  • Forward this email along to all those guys who last year said ” hey, that’s a bitchin’ stache, can I grow next year”

If you haven’t already, please sign up. Most importantly get the m4k rookies to sign up so I can get them on the list.

If you missed last week’s email, you can read it here.

See you on Friday.